I know that there’s at least three loyal followers out there who have foretold of this day, pined after it, and only now find gratification. I’ve been of a mind to start the ole’ blog up again but have been too busy (lazy) to do so. I’m assuming that the casual banter for which this forum was known will come back easily, like riding a bike, or kegstands. Speaking of which, since the dominant taste of the rev-radicalness © that I threw your way in the past was Yankee flavor it seems only apt to give it another nudge now that I’m living in New York (being all scene and that).
On that note, I have a backlog of restaurants, skate shops, bars, and other cool spots in my repertoire that have been resigned to being written about in my SpongeBob Squarepants diary I keep under my pillow.
These days it’s always best to start where it ends so we’ll take a look at the classic weekend A.M. taco and coffee run. It’s become a minor institution on hungover mornings to throw on some semblance of an outfit and haul my ass on the subway to get an injection of hot, spicy, tortilla wrapped life, followed of course by the obligatory coffee and whatever smack-talk one can muster at that hour. I’ve been hearing rumours that the whole taco scene has really kicked off in Sydney since I moved away last year, which is excellent news. If you’re not even the slightest bit partial to high quality Mexican food you’re either in denial of a Frenchman still bitter about Cinco de Mayo.
Imagine, if you will, a small portion of lightly beer battered white fish covered in spices, cabbage slaw, and chipotle mayo served out of a mint condition VW Kombi. Complement that with a Carte Blanca cerveza and you may as well have had an evening of wheatgrass shots and yoga rather than the 6am touchdown you’re trying to chase away. And to even try to describe the Chorizo breakfast taco would exhaust my use of the thesaurus synonyms for ‘awesome’. The place, Tacombi (see what they did there). The location, Elizabeth between E Houston and Prince, do it! Om nom nom…

Following this, the decision making process leaves the satisfied stomach and makes its way upstairs with the thought “I should still be in bed”, and that’s usually a solid point, but luckily you don’t have to walk too far to snag a quality coffee. I won’t harp on about it, but Saturdays (as I’ve mentioned before) has one of the nicest brews in the land, not that they enjoy making coffee but it’s there for those that ask, and there’s many that do.
And that, my interwebs friends, is how one should respectable wake up in SoHo. Stay tuned for more musings as I get my interweb back on.
Here’s some music for the wander.
Nas - Nasty from
Street Injection on