Two of raddest easy listening tracks I've heard as of late (read: I overherd a DJ on a bus the other day and scribbled their conversation down on a coffee cup in shorthand) are as follows;
Tim and Jean - Come around. Two young cats from Perth who will hopefully follow this up with a stellar first release. Peruse

Ted and Francis - Erland. Another couple of guys from the good side of Aus. Amble on down to

So here it is, my theory, and stay with me here as this is groundbreaking stuff. The key to successful music is to team together two guys, the former with a boring name starting with T, and the latter with a more traditional but not often used name with British lineage.
Say for example, my name was Tom (fairly generic, starts with T. Tick), and I start a band (synth and guitar only, duh) with a dude called, say, Felix (British? Yep. Uncommon? For obvious reasons). Regardless of what fingertapping and strumming goes on behind closed doors I've got immediate summer festival noteriety on the Australian coast of my residence, regular play on alt. radio stations, and rock star appeal thats got to add at least +2 (on the accepted metric 1-10 scale) to ladies within my reach.
Radical (and plausable) right?! You can thank me later...
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