And here's the best part, order it online and you never have to get off your ass. I'm not trying to make anyone feel lazy, it's entirely understandable, C.S.I. Miami is on tonight, and that show rocks. Although it did lose its mystery when i found the script.
LATIN DUDE: It seems the victim was dead before the car was put into the water judging by the deep wounds to the groin and neck.
HORATIO: Good, what else can you tell me?
LD: I'd say judging by the outfit he was on his way to some sort of sport practice...
H: Well I guess we'll have to tell his team [slowly takes off sunglasses and looks down at an angle] they'll all be playing injury time.
[Return to panning shot of the Everglades]
Don't worry they'll get the bad guy, and at one stage you'll yet again be duped into thinking the blond lab girl with the annoying voice that runs seemingly useless tests is hot. Don't be fooled, it say's right here in the script that she isn't.
NOTE: So I may have lied, judging by the amount of rappers wearing Good Wood NYC's product it's bound to feature on Jersey Shore soon. Shit, all is lost.
Au Revoir

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