A) The girl must be tanned, I cannot stress this enough. For importance of tanning consult my good friend at Six Foot 9 and Alen at A Lense Diary (excuse his radical 80's name). Both of these knowlegable fellas may as well be the honarary Deans of Tan University (TANU) for their contributions to the cause, if such a position or university existed (it would probably be located at Mid Curl Curl car park). Their motto is 'Tan or Die', or 'Tan and Die', one of the two, I'm not quite sure.
B) The girl must be a nugget (for more information on nuggets, go back in your mind to 1992, re-watch Encino Man, then we'll continue).
Pauses... looks at watch... [smirk] I KNOW RIGHT?! [high 5].
This attire is not complimentary on just any beachgoing lady. On many it may look like you're trying to cut clay with the protective plastic still on the outside. To be clear, must be a beach nug to start with. I cannot stress this enough.
C) These are not necessary but definately help; tiny bikini bottoms, surfboard under arm (may also be skateboard), killer attitude.

Any girls who fit the bill may leave their number below. I'm going to go cry now because I'm missing Sydney summer.
NB: Pic courtesy of Saturdays NYC
if ya not tanned, get tha fark out
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