Thursday, December 22, 2011

Starting The Weeknd Early

I'm not much one for trawling the music blogs and Hypem for new tunes these days because, to be honest, I'm far too preoccupied freehand sketching new meme's to submit to memebase before screwing them up, throwing the paper in the ever rising waste basket and chastising myself "You think the moderators havent seen this before...nube". In addition to that, I'm even less inclined to listen to a whole album because who the hell buys music on iTunes unless their cold war era grandmother gives them a gift card for Ramadan. In all reality people my age are more likely to have shared memories of when Napster was shut down than the first hard copy CD they bought.

That being said, one release this week has really caught my eye (and yes, that is indeed what SHE said, but stay with me). I've been following The Weeknd since my felly mots at HCASH threw me their track 'The Morning' off their mixtape House of Balloons a year ago, which has some of the most radical lyrics and original beats I've heard in a while. Here it is for those who havent had the pleasure...

I was even more impressed to find out that The Weeknd is actually one Ethiopian/Canadian dude named Abel Tesfaye, and not just because I want to sound multi-cultural. The sound on the tracks is so well polished is sounds the work of a larger group. Plus how many Ethiopian/Canadian people do you know?! Yeah, thought so.

Yesterday Tesfaye released his new mixtape Echoes of Silence, which despite being a bit of an existential wank of a title is a seriously great listen through piece of work thats making a hungover thursday at work with the looming prospect of spending christmas on the other side of the world to my family a pleasing situation. I'm not sure even how to describe his style but I'm a big fan. The track 'Next' is current on repeat, just listen to the lyrics.

Merry Christmas folks.

Rad is Love

Rev Rad

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