Onward into a feverent discussion about a guy who is truly one of the funniest individuals on TV at the moment. In my opinion (and a I'm the only one who reads this blog, it may as well be gospel) Joel McHale is the exception to the rule when it comes to 'hollywood' (cringe) gossip, as anyone who has seen "The Soup" on E! can attest. For a show with an obviously minimal budget and unoriginal base material, Joel manages to make it one of the fnniest shows on the box. The best part being that very few of the laughs come from the material, it's all him.
Admittedly, his proclivity to tear apart reality TV is like a slapfight with a quadriplegic but, god damnn, does he make it gound gooooood (said in Jim Carey voice circa Bruce Almighty). Just look at the guy...

He even looks effortlessly hilarious, like animals in clothes, kids hurting themselves on trampolines, or whatever the opposite of Cathy cartoons is. But enough with the man-crush, it's starting to sound a bit left of centre.. which it totally is not pfft like that would ever happen.
Anywho, I recommend you check out The Soup & Community however you can. If you're a poor non-cabe TV person like me watch it online but be warned, download limits will be punished and your little sisters project on Egyptian culture may become more heresay learned from watching The Mummy Returns than actual fact. Don't say you weren't warned.
RADICALLLLLLLLLLLLL.. dissappear into cloud of mysterious smoke
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