Whileing away the hours in the office there inevitably comes that point in the day when you've just slammed the full-stop on a sentence full of money making goodness andyou feel as though you've earned yourself a guilty pleasure. Here is where i can help, as my life works in an uncorrelated fashion (I sneak the odd financial calculation in between entertaining myself with classic internet age comedy). Now would be an apt time to insert a graph I made on paint of time wasting on the internet vs. productive functions, but I'll save that gem for later (read: couldn't be bothered to draw it...). But I digress.
Inevitably the best discoveries on the internet come from when you set your sights on a certain vein of entertainment, as they are all inextricably linked. My recent endeavour has been in enjoying the eclectic lifestyle of the hipster / scenester. And on that note...
Crowd Warmer; Hipster Puppies centres around photos of peoples dogs in human clothing (funny already, but read on) in irionic hipster situations with tongue in cheek commentary that really hits the mark. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, exibit A...

Margi tells people she does "graphic design" for a living, but in reality she does "nothing"
Furthermore, Unhappy Hipster ridicules the world of the super hip and the lives they make for themselves;

The stools huddled together, braced for another one of his incoherent solo poetry jams
Other notable mentions go to;
http://www.latfh.com/ for those almost too scene to function
http://www.stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/ presumably self-hating hipsters
Whether it's my love for deadpan humour or the fact that hipsters are far too easy to ridicule I find this stuff hilarious and, with a new update on each daily, is an excellent way to give yourself 5 minutes of sunshine in a somewhat sollem life (That was a bit emo, maybe I'll publish a photo of myself with skinny jeans on and a vintage skateboard and see if I find it so funny then...)
Anywho, should probably do something productive now. I need to maintain the prescious 80/20 ratio, without it world economies would crumble.
And yes, Jane from accounting I can see you reading celebrity news online, BACK TO WORK
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