Simply writing about them makes me want to run into the quad and punch the private school kid with dreadlocks and a Che t-shirt practicing haki sac, say nothing, walk off, then get a Dr. Pepper or something (...Unforgiveable).
Phewwww... My shoulders feel lighter now, and let it be said that what im writing about is a cool concept and I include it because it doesn't aspire to any of that infuriating opinionated t-shirt crap.
Your blonde brothers from another (Swedish) mother, Sven and Jens (only two names i know that sound Nordic), have created T-Post, a subscriber T-Shirt service which created a monthly shirt design based on a large news story from the month leading into production. Although many of the designs are fairly routine, the concept is awesome as it's the gift that keeps on giving. How often do you get something awesome only to wear the shit out of it. Boom! T-Post. New shirts every month (You just may not be as stoked when it comes to the month where the central theme is an outbreak of herpes, or the moderation of animal-human marriage legislation, in which case shame on you, they are people too). Check out their back catalogue, keeping in mind that I think it is the concept rather than the designs themselves that deserves the radical stamp.

Check out but don't worry, there's no immediate rush, there's only one shirt a month.
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